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How Moon Path Circle Fits into the Big Picture

Moon Path Circle, Inc., is one of several spin-offs from Moon Path CUUPS, originally to do offsite projects.

Moon Path Circle is organized as a church and is not connected to the UUs other than having overlapping members.

Moon Path sponsors the Tequesta Drum Circle, does charitable outreach, does a scholarship program, does Pee Wee Pagans, and ordains some people they know well who are already Pagan clergy. Most likely, these people already have credentials from somewhere else.

Moon Path welcomes new clergy as "Elders in Communion." This phrase is lifted from the Florida Marriage Statute (Title XLIII, Chapter 741.07). Our clergy are bound by affection, association, and loyalty. This means that we like each other, we get together once in a while, and we don't gnaw each others arms off. The vision is that we will gather together a group of ethical clergy within the Pagan community who are worthy of respect. We don't tell them what to believe, but we do care about behavior. Each Beltaine we review everyone's status for continued good standing.

In contrast, UU ordained clergy are welcomed into their UU fellowship after completing much soul searching, much discernment by other UU clergy, a Master's Degree from an accredited college, completion of a chaplaincy program, and more. It is not far from the truth to say that fellowshipped UU ministers have a rather strong union. (See
Moon Path uses the Roman Catholic business model in that it has a Council of six who set policy and annually re-elect either themselves or their replacements.


Moonpath CUUPS

CUUPS, the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, is an auxiliary of the Unitarian Universalist Association. The role of CUUPS is to spread knowledge of and connection to the Pagan world. CUUPS does programs at the national gathering of UUs and encourages CUUPS chapters in individual congregationd. Chapters serve as a resource to their host congregation and do not ordain anybody. (See 

They meet every Thursday for 51 weeks a  year. Below is a map for them.

2810 Griffin Road

Fort Lauderdale FL


Temporary address:

4850 W Oakland Park Blvd. Suite 145 Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33313


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